You are about to buy a brand new car and it is time to shop around for car insurance. The daunting task of seeking out car insurance freaks car buyers out everywhere. Many procrastination and then start to wonder, where do you look for car insurance? What should you consider before you buy car insurance? It seems like the sky is the limit when it comes to car insurance but what you don’t know can harm your decision making process. Just as you took a lot of time to choose the right vehicle, make sure that your car insurance is just as accurately on par with your life, lifestyle and your budget.
Let’s be honest. Not many people enjoy the process of buying car insurance. If you happen to be part of the group, you’re probably going to appreciate the following tips. They’re meant to make the task as simple as possible… not to mention less frustrating. Get a little relief and use my hot tips for buying car insurance to lavishly live life out loud.
Look Over Your Current Policy
It’s ALWAYS wise to look over your current policy, before deciding on a replacement. Situations change from one year to the next. So, this typically does two things. It alerts you to coverage you may now need and coverage that’s no longer necessary. The last thing you want to do is pay for something you don’t really have to.
Don’t tell one insurance company your current pricing, let them quote and provide you the information.
Search for Lesser-Known Discounts
Some car insurance discounts are quite common. This includes both “good driver” and “customer loyalty” discounts. However, there are several other obscure discounts to consider, in the event your insurance company offers them. They include a short commute discount, an annual renewal discount, a good student discount and farm-related use of car discount.
Don’t forget about AAA discounts, military discounts, and more.
Carry a Huge Umbrella
When it comes to car insurance, a big umbrella is vital, even on the sunniest of days. The easiest way to explain an umbrella policy is to refer to it as an “excess” policy. It takes over when your liability coverage is exhausted and you still have assets to protect. In today’s world, $2 million in coverage is more or less the norm.
New Car Safety Features
New cars, with new safety features often incite insurance discounts. Features like car alarms, anti-theft features, special locks, airbags, blind spot monitoring and so on are on the HOT list for discounts. You can take a look at some great safety features on Dodge, Jeep, Ram and Chrysler brand vehicles it is amazing how many they offer, from ABS Braking systems to automatic seat-belts.
Paying On Premium
Many insurance companies offer Auto Deduct for payments of insurance and often you will find companies that will offer 5% incentive to hook right on up to your checking account. Don’t forget to look at savings like on PLENTI cards to earn while you spend.
Don’t Buy a Vehicle In Your Teens Name
A recent study indicates that buying a vehicle for your teen has the potential to raise your car insurance premium by as much as a whopping 58 percent. Buy the car, and put it in your name, and place them on your insurance. The reasoning behind this is simple. Insurers automatically assume that teens will drive more when they have access to their own cars. So, in turn, premiums skyrocket.
Consider these tips when buying car insurance. Chances are, you’ll end up saving money on your policy. Typically, the more knowledgeable you are, the more likely you’ll end up paying less. When you have these hot tips for buying car insurance it sure makes it easier to lavishly live life out loud.